Mac laptops come with a screenshot function, so do you guys know what these shortcut keys are? The editor has compiled a tutorial, and those who are interested can take a look.
Summary of mac computer screenshots
1. First open [mac notebook]
2. Please press and hold the following three keys at the same time: Shift, Command and 3.
If you see a thumbnail in the corner of the screen, tap it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to be saved to the desktop
3. How to capture a certain part of the screen
Press and hold the following three keys at the same time: Shift, Command and 4.
Drag the crosshairs to select the area of the screen you want to capture. To move the selected area, hold down the spacebar while dragging. To cancel taking a screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key
4. To take a screenshot, please release the mouse or trackpad button.
If you see a thumbnail in the corner of the screen, tap it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to be saved to the desktop.
5. How to capture a window or menu
Open the window or menu you want to capture.
Press and hold the following three keys at the same time: Shift, Command, 4, and Spacebar. The pointer changes to a camera icon . To cancel taking a screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key .
6. Where to find screenshots
By default, screenshots will Save to desktop as "Screen Shot [date] [time].png"